Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Abbevillian (Adjective) : Designating the earliest Paleolithic archaeological sites in Europe, marked by bifacial stone axes.
Abbess (noun) : The superior of a convent.
Abbe (Noun) : A French title originally of the superior of an abbey, now given to any ecclesiastical figure.
Abatial (adjective) : Of or relating to an abbey, abbot, or abbess.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Abbacy (noun) (plural-abbacies) :The office, term, or jurisdiction of an abbot, the person in charge of a monastery.
Abaxial (adjective) 1. Situated away from the axis. 2.The opposite side of something (wall, mirror etc). 3. Relating to an opposite line on a Cartesian plane.

(Botany): Facing away from the stem of a plant (in particular, denoting the lower surface of a leaf, which represents the horizontal plane of a plant's anatomy).
Abattoir (noun) : A slaughterhouse, where animals are killed and converted into meat products for human consumption.