Sunday, March 11, 2018

Abandon : 1.To withdraw one's support, allegiance, or help from; to deprive sustenance or nourishment, despite a moral responsibility required. 2. To give up by leaving or ceasing to operate or inhabit, especially as a result of impending threat. "We wouldn't be stranded in this lion's exhibit if our guardians didn't abandon us like the cowards they are." 3. To surrender one's claim or right to: GIVE UP or RELINQUINSH. 4. To cease trying to continue; desist from <Abandon a job hunting effort>. 5.To yield oneself completely, as to emotion.

Abandon (noun) : 1. A complete surrender of inhibitions. 2.Unlimited enthusiasm

Synonyms: Abandon, Desert, Forsake, Leave, Quit, Throw Over

Abandon (verb) : To give up without intending to return or claim again <abandoned their families>

Synonyms: Abandon, Abdicate, Desist, Discontinue, Forswear, Give Up, Lay Off, Quit, Renounce, Stop, Swear off
Abampere (noun) A centimeter-gram-second electromagnetic unit of current, equal to the current that produces a force of two dynes per centimeter of length on each of two infinitely long straight parallel wires one centimeter apart, and equal to 10 amperes. For more information, see Abampere
Abalone (noun): A large, edible marine gastropod of the genus Haliotis, with an ear-shaped shell with a row of holes and a pearly, colorful interior, often used for ornaments. For more information, see Abalone
Abaft (adverb) : (Nautical science) Toward the stern of a ship.
Abacus (noun): 1. A manual calculating device consisting of a frame holding parallel rods strung with movable counters. Used predominantly by ancient civilizations to perform mathematical equations before the invention of calculators 2. A slab on the top of the capital of a column. For more information, see Abacus
Abacterial (adjective) - Not caused by or identified with bacteria. "This medicine is abacterial; it only affects viruses"
Aback (adverb) Archaic. 1. Back; Backward - "take me aback to the those times"
                                         2. To startle or dumbfound
Abaca (noun) A Philippine plant, Musa textilis, related to the banana and whose leafstalks are the source of Manila hemp. For more information, see Abaca
Aba (noun) 1. A light fabric woven of camel or goat hair. 2. A loose-fitting, often sleeveless garment made of aba, worn by western Asians (Arabs and Semites).
AB (Noun) A human blood type of the ABO group. Members of this bloodtype are sensitive to increases in blood pressure and are universal recipients, meaning they can receive blood from any individual. They cannot donate blood to persons with different blood types than theirs. For more information, see Blood type
Aaronic (adjective): 1. Of or relating to , or characteristic of Aaron, the brother of Moses and the priesthood associated with it. 2.Of or relating to the lower order of priests in the Mormon Church, the initial priesthood before entering the Melchizedek priesthood. For more information, see Aaron

Aardwolf (noun): A hyena-like mammal, 'Proteles cristatus' of southern and eastern Africa, with gray fur with black stripes, and feeding chiefly on termites and insect larvae. For more information, see Aardwolf

Aardvark (Noun): A burrowing mammal, 'Orycteropus afer' of southern Africa, with a hairy, stocky body, large ears, a long, tubular snout, and powerful digging claws. They tend to be nocturnal and love eating ants and termites. For more information, see Aardvark